Throughout the campaign, there are multiple 'hero' ships commanded by key characters, which differ from the standard ships of their class in terms of total power, crew capacity and size. In general, ships are divided into the following groups: construction ship, freighter, scout, destroyer, destroyer, phaser cruiser, torpedo cruiser (Federation and Romulan ships are gunships), special weapons ship, battleship the Klingons and Romulans also have ships with superweapons, while the Federation and Borg have superweapon stations. In addition, most combat ships have special weapons that can be researched and that consume special weapons energy. If a ship or station becomes unmanned and there is no crew to replace it, it is considered abandoned and will become uncontrollable until it is re-crewed or destroyed, while neutral Ferengi marauders can tow abandoned ships to an off-screen location for their own benefit.Īside from this, each ship and station has up to five systems that can be randomly damaged: shield generator, engines, life support, sensors, and weapons once a ship's system is damaged, it will take time to repair unless it is sent to a shipyard for quick repair. The ratio of the current crew to the maximum crew capacity dictates the firing rate and self-repair rate of the object. Once an enemy ship's shields are down, the crew of a player-owned ship or station can be teleported to the target, and once the original crew has been eliminated, the target is captured. Ships and stations have two layers of 'health': hull integrity and shields.
The single-player campaign contains 20 missions divided into 5 campaigns (4 for each race, plus a 'hidden' epilogue campaign).Īlthough developed when few real-time strategies used 3D engines, Star Trek: Armada has numerous features and mechanics that set it apart from other games in the genre. While the Klingons fight among themselves, the Romulan covert intelligence agency, the Tal Shiar, uncovers a very dangerous secret that could tip the balance of power in either direction. While pacifying a system with Dominion rebel forces, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E encounters a time-traveling Federation ship warning him of an impending Borg invasion.
The game is set in the late 24th century, shortly after the Dominion War (thus staying true to the chronology of the series with the airdates). Star Trek: Armada is a real-time strategy game set in space within the Star Trek universe, with four distinct races to command: the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire and the Borg Collective, with other races having minor appearances.